Getting Your Digital Marketing Mix Right

Ensuring that you’re doing all that you can to get your digital marketing mix right depends on your audience mostly, as well as the product or service that you want to promote next. After all, there is no point in promoting anything to the wrong people in the wrong place. 

Your digital marketing mix consists of the various forms of content and the platforms you will use to get your message out. This mix depends on your audience and your goals. Let’s look at some potential goals and the answers to what marketing mix to use.

Increase Brand Awareness

Most people want to increase brand awareness. This could take place with a list-building campaign. You’ll need to use social media and content marketing to get your brand message out to the world. To ensure that you do this right, you’ll need to study your audience, know which social media networks they use, and what type of content they enjoy consuming.

You can use different forms of content such as video, infographics, memes, blog posts, and more. What type you use depends (as always) on your audience and the different types of content they are most likely to view – and not only that, react to by sharing and answering your calls to action.

Generate More Leads

One way to generate more leads is to buy ads. But, you can also generate leads organically through the content that you share with that goal in mind. Using the same research you gathered when you wanted to expand awareness, promote a freebie or “ethical bribe” to help you collect email addresses for your email list.

Your lead magnet (another word for your freebie) should be created in the form that your audience will want the most. It can be something easy like a checklist, cheat sheet or even a short course that is text based or video based. It’s up to you and up to your audience’s preferences.

Move Leads through Your Funnel

Once you capture a lead, you need the right marketing mix directed toward the people who have already joined your product funnel by getting your freebie. When they got the freebie, they had to sign up using their email address, so now they’re inside the funnel.

The messages you send should teach your audience about your offerings in such a way that makes them trust you enough to make the purchases moving through your funnel – until they’ve purchased most, if not all, of your products or services. Hint: Make sure one of your offers is a continuity program to increase lifetime customer value potential. 

Focus on Customer Retention

If your goal is customer retention, then you’ll need to create content for people who have already purchased from you. For example, if you have a membership program or mastermind that people can participate in continuously, you can retain customers by continuing to add enough content and interest for them to make them want to stay.

If you have moved most of your audience through your funnel, it’s time to create new products and services to help them so that they remain in your funnel. It’s easy to do this if you’re surveying your audience about their satisfaction level. At that time, you can ask them what else they’d like to see from you.

As you can see, getting the right marketing mix takes knowledge of your audience, your niche, your products and an understanding of your product funnel. The more you understand about these factors, the more successful you’ll be at getting your digital marketing mix right.